We’re back after a 3 year hiatus with a new blog discussing all things related to the New Zealand construction industry from an expert quantity surveying perspective. This week, we will be focusing on the pressing issue of labor shortages, as well as some of the causes and potential solutions.
Coronavirus and the affect on building materials supplies
Residential Builders - What jobs can a builder price?
Kiwibuild - Should we blame Phil?
Is it safe to buy property in Australia again?
DIY home security options
How to be a good landlord
Building permit granted after 137 years
Why Mainzeal failed
Why construction companies fail: Strategy
Is an apartment a home?
Will capital gains tax apply to the family home?
Capital Gains Tax - what happens to the interest you slaved to paid off?
Capital Gains Tax and the middle class
How many houses has Labour built?
How do you get an apprenticeship?
Razor-thin margins push New Zealand construction firms over the edge
Budget NZ 2018: Housing Analysis
Risk transfer in the construction industry: is it acceptable?
Competition pushing construction sector into 'race to the bottom
To design a building 20 years ago you'd need top structural engineers, your top architect, your top mechanical and electrical engineers. Nowadays a lot of this can be done using computer packages and what have you. So what it's doing is it's commoditising the design away from almost an art to a science.